
Programs & Pricing

Invest when it counts most.

Basic Program
Ideal if you're thinking of having a baby and want to give it your all
*or $150/month over 3 months
Lifestyle assessment: uncover the hidden dangers
At-home blood tests: establish your health baseline
Hormone assessment: how optimal are your testosterone levels  
Metabolic health assessment: how well are your cells functioning
Inflammation & toxic load: how well is your body processing toxins
Basic reproductive risk analysis: miscarriage, genetic abnormalities etc.
Clear action plan to optimize your health
Toxins audit of the home
Toxins risk report and recommended swaps
Advanced Program
Recommended if you're trying for a baby and want to decrease time to pregnancy
*or $299/month over 3 months
Everything in the Basic, PLUS...
At-home semen test: understand your baseline reproductive health
Targeted action plan based on your sperm health to maximize fertility
Comprehensve reproductive risk analysis: miscarriage, genetic abnormalities etc.
Coaching call with fertility expert (partners welcome)
Comprehensive Program
Recommended if you're been trying for over 6 months or want full peace of mind
*or $500/month over 3 months
Everything in the Advanced, PLUS...
At-home genetic testing: uncover any risks in your genetic code
Epigenetic pathway testing: optimize sperm quality, fertility, and epigenetic health by targeting key epigenetic pathways
Call with genetics expert to discuss results (partners welcome)  
Actionable genetic blueprint: understand your unique nutrition and fitness needs based on your genetics
Nothing left to chance

Pricing Comparision

Choose the best plan for your needs

Ideal if you want to start trying for a baby soon
Ideal if you want to start trying for a baby soon
Recommended if you're been trying for 6+ months
Health Data & Assessments
Comprehensive lifestyle assessment: uncover any hidden dangers
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At-home blood tests: establish your health baseline
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Hormone assessment: how optimal are your testosterone levels  
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Metabolic health assessment: how well are your cells functioning
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Inflammation & toxic load: how well is your body processing toxins
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Basic reproductive risk analysis: miscarriage, genetic abnormalities etc.
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At-home semen test: understand your baseline reproductive health
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Targeted action plan based on your sperm health to maximize fertility  
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Environmental Toxins  
Toxins audit of the home
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Toxins risk report and recommended swaps
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Program & Support
Targeted high-impact interventions based on all available data, to be implemented for 10 weeks
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Coaching call with fertility expert (partners welcome)
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Daily tracking and leaderboards
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Upstream dashboard
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